Judicial Appointments

Listings of all our members notable appointments this month

Master Sue Carr (The Rt Hon Lady Justice Carr DBE) has been appointed Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales from 1 October 2023

Supreme Court Appointments

Court of Appeal Appointments

Master Stephen Cobb (The Rt Hon Lord Justice Cobb) has been appointed to be a Lord Justice of Appeal

International Court Appointments

High Court Appointments

Master Andrew Henshaw (The Hon Mr Justice Henshaw) has been appointed as Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court List. The appointment runs from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2027

Royal Courts of Justice Appointments

Assistant Judge Advocate General

Circuit Judge Appointments

Master Graham Robinson (His Honour Judge Graham Robinson LLD (Hon)) retired as a Circuit Judge with effect from 1 July 2024

Master Thomas Teague (His Honour Judge Teague KC) retires as a Circuit Judge with effect from 8 June 2024

District Judge Appointments

Employment and Tribunal Judges

Judge Bagral (Ravinder Bagral) has been appointed to be a Judge of the First-tier Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber with effect from 1 July 2024

Judge Head (Rebekah Head) has been appointed to be a Judge of the First-tier Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber with effect from 3 June 2024

Upper Tribunal Judge Hirst (Master Leonie Hirst) has been appointed to be a salaried Judge of the Upper Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber with effect from 9 September 2024

Upper Tribunal Judge Loughran (Gemma Loughran) has been appointed to be a salaried Judge of the Upper Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber with effect from 29 July 2024

Upper Tribunal Judge Pickup (David Pickup) retired with effect from 1 July 2024

Judge Sheppard-Jones (Victoria Sheppard-Jones) has been appointed to be a Judge of the First-tier Tribunal, Heath, Education and Social Care Chamber to exercise the Mental Health jurisdiction within that Chamber with effect from 3 June 2024

Judge Tozzi (Sarah Tozzi) has been appointed to be a Judge of the First-tier Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber with effect from 3 June 2024

Recorder Appointments