Racial Equality Society

Established in 2019 by Sefki Bayram, the Racial Equality Society (RES) is a student led society at the Inner Temple. RES was originally known as the BAME Student Network (BSN).

RES aims to increase access and improve the representation of ethnic minority groups at the Bar. We routinely analyse the annual diversity reports published by the Bar Standard Board and use them to inform the events and support we provide to aspiring barristers.

What we do

We hold discussions with notable speakers and practising barristers in a safe space where members can be open about the challenges they face within the profession. The aim is to identify and potentially implement ways in which these challenges can be overcome.

In our wider events, we also assess the views and contributions of a larger audience to build a bigger picture and reflect on the general perception of racial diversity at the Bar and what this should look like.

Our Committee guides the direction of RES and we are always looking for individuals to get involved and share ideas, particularly those from ethnic minority backgrounds.

Past events

We have had several safe space meetings, round table discussions, conferences and private social events. Notable events include:

  • BAME Students' Mock Interview scheme, 17 March 2021
  • Combating Impostor Syndrome, 25 March 2021
  • Black History Month: Black Champions in Law, 28 October 2021 
  • Pupillage Application Event, 19 January 2022 
  • The Law, Health and Wellbeing, 25 October 2022
  • Pupillage Applications 2023: Ethnic Minorities, 24 January 2023
  • Black History Month Event: Politics and the Law, 20 October 2023
  • South Asian Heritage Month: Free To Be Me- Life at The Bar, 23 July 2024

Who we work with

We work closely with other Inner Temple societies and encourage our members to take full advantage of the facilities that the Inn offers to members. We also work with a number of external organisations. 

Want to get involved?

If you are an Inner Temple student member and would like to take part in the numerous opportunities the society has to offer, please contact us.

We would encourage you to read the Racial Equality Society's constitution which governs members of the society.

About the committee


The Committee is made up of:

  • President/Co-Presidents
  • Vice President(s)
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

The remaining members of the Committee shall consist of one or more of the following:

  1. Social Secretary
  2. Publicity Officer
  3. LGBTQIA + Officer
  4. Wellness Officer
  5. Events Officer

This depends on need, capacity, and availability. Role descriptions can be found in Schedule II of the RES Constitution which you can read above. 

Applications for the 2023/24 committee are NOW CLOSED! If you would like to find out about becoming a committee member, please email us. 

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Inner Temple Racial Equality Society

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Inner Temple Racial Equality Society

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Inner Temple Racial Equality Society

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